Or Get It As Part of Andrew Macaulay's Switches and Mixers Collection
Or Get It As Part of Andrew Macaulay's Switches and Mixers Collection
This set of presets, which will be added to and improved over time, is provided to help explain how some of the more esoteric modules might be used. Notes are included with each preset to help explain how the modules have been connected and why.
The presets are designed to use only elements of the Andrew Macaulay collections with the base features of Voltage Modular, although there may be some added showing wider ranges of uses including the these modules with the Electro-Drums collection.
Note that the Sequence Gate Switch for VM2500 tutorial preset requires Cherry Audio's VM2500 Collection to work. Note also that any Poly tutorials will need the basic Cherry Audio Poly modules to be available (not included in Voltage Modular Nucleus or Ignite). In both cases, trial versions will allow the preset to run.
Please also note that, in order to keep the deployment and use of the presets as simple as possible, presets for all Andrew Macaulay's collections are delivered with every collection. Note also that these presets will evolve/improve over time. Please do not expect any of these preset to stay static - if you want to use them as a start of your own preset, then save it in your User Presets to then modify and change it for your use.
Please note that they are explicitly for demonstrating the capabilities and are NOT designed to be musically or sonically great!
Sep 2, 22
very good !