Benard Modules Presets

Manufacturer: Benard

Contact Benard


This collection contains a set of presets for the Benard modules. It uses modules from the Mega Bundle Volumes 1 and 2, as well as from the Mini Modules Bundle. Most of the patches are self playing, and require some time to unfold. There are also some simple illustrative examples that don't produce sound, but just show the basic functionality of some modules.

Only Benard and Core modules used in these presets, with the exception of the Digi Drums, which are used in some patches. You can simply replace the Digi Drums with Transistor Drums if you don't have the former. If you don't have some of the Benard modules used for any given preset and your demo of them has expired, try replacing them with other modules that have similar functionality in the Cherry Audio library, the Benard collection (for example, replacing a Mini Sloth with a Sloth LFO), or other third party modules you might have.

More presets will be added in the near future, but this set is a good place to get started with some of the modules, and will give you an idea of some of the unique possibilities that the Benard modules provide.


Aug 26, 19

Benard Modules Presets

I look forward to trying this product.


Oct 13, 21



Mar 19, 20