Manufacturer: Monkey Business Audio
$12.50 $15.00
Create polyphonic unison voices the easy way by simply adding one polyphonic oscillator per unison voice
As the first part of the Poly Unisonify Bundle, Unisonify Pre takes pitch CV input and sends it to up to eight separate outputs with the ability to detune the outputs against each other.
Detune - Positive values will tune outputs with lower index down and outputs with higher index up. Detuning can be set over all outputs or per output.
The second part of the Poly Unisonify Bundle, Unisonify Post, takes the output of up to eight oscillators and mixes them to a stereo output.
Blend - Positive values amplify signal in the center while negative values amplify signals on the sides.
Width - Positive values pan low index inputs to the left and high index inputs to the right, negative values pan low index inputs to the right and high index inputs to the left.
Balance - Positive values shift all inputs to the right, negative values shift them to the left.
The modules are part of the Poly Unisonify Bundle and are not sold separately.

Polyphonic utilities | Monkey Business Audio

Polyphonic utilities | Monkey Business Audio