$25.99 $60.00

Nine takes on the LFO and a collection of signal conditioners, these units offer an array of tools for a diversity of modulation.

The Alpha LFO and Alpha Poly LFO efficiently get you four sine and/or triangle modulators in 2 hp with master sync, attenuverting, and bias all on board.

The Seizing LFO provides 5 waveforms of synced or phased (there's a toggle) modulation with individual attenuverters. With a gate or trigger, you can halt it and restart the cycle for dynamic on/off behaviors that can pick up where they left off.

The Dodecahedral Phased LFO & Delay outputs staggered LFOs which are 30 degrees (1/12th of a cycle) apart, creating waves of modulation lapping up across a patch. It also hides an exciting 12-tap delay and can take external inputs to stagger your other favorite modulation sources.

Try the Igorot LFO for a stepped modulator which creates variations, but with flat voltages in between, when you aren't looking for wub-wubs.

The BPM Follower clocks its modulation via a trig/gate input, so it can follow tempo changes, sync with other modulators or sequencers, or dynamically change rate with your playing. It's onboard clock divider/multiplier also means that there are LFO outputs at various useful subdivisions & multiples.

The Trigger Accumulating Modulator is essentially like kicking a ball up a hill, with a trigger being the kick and the ball's position being the modulation. You can change the "hill" functions and you can keep kicking it before it comes back down, so the degree of voltage output has something to do with the relative occurrence of the triggers.

The Elastic Boundary Impactor is a ball on an elastic cord, bounced by triggers and delivering two dimensional modulation. Mass, pliability, elasticity, and direction can be set and modulated, so you can take your tetherball game to space and back.

The Membrane Function Generator is a modular staple whose functions go weirdly far, when you start wrapping your head around its creative potential. Until then, it offers cycling AR/ LFO with adjustable shapes/times and envelope generation, with an onboard amp. Utilities for slew/glide, rectification, limiting, inverting, boundary/peak modulation, and more... mean you'll be able to producing bouncing ball rhythms, cv manipulations, and beyond. You can easily craete a whole patch with just this device...

There are also a host of units for taming, exaggerating, spreading, and warping these modulation sources.

The Dynamic Signal Transformer lets you shift the bottom and top of a signal to simultaneously bias it (move it up and down), attenuate it, invert it, and/or magnify it. It's much more intuitive than using multiple modules for attenuation, dc bias, and inverting, and it has an on-board scope to visualize the results. You can even modulate how the signal is molded, for modulation of modulation...

The Correlator links a single modulation source to as many as 6 destinations, but provides a central location for attenuverting all of them. Or, you can forgo the modulation source altogether and use the upper dial like a macro controller. There's also a sample reducer on board if you want to get weird.

The 1 and 2 Ch Gain modules provide a simple decentralized mixing board for you cv or audio signals. Their "thru" inputs are post-fader, summing with the main inputs, which means that each new mix channel can be plugged into the THRU of the next one (the final one goes to the main outputs) so they act as a single mixing board, but with each fader in a convenient, movable location.

The RGB Panel (which is already free by the way) modulates takes 3 inputs to display various amounts of red, green, & blue on its panels to visualize modulation and to integrate various sources into a single rainbow. You can also write notes onto the panels.

Taken together, this is a powerful set of modulators with interesting and diverse capabilities, assembled together to excite your patches and send you on a modular adventure.