This is the polyphonic version of the Alpha LFO, providing 3 independent polyphonic syncable (!) sine/triangle LFOs with onboard attenuation and bias. There's also a fourth dedicated-mono LFO for good measure. Actually, there's even a toggle (yellow) to convert the other 3 LFO connections from poly to mono jacks. Phase relationships are maintained when saving patches too, so you can purposefully twirl a knob such that two equally timed LFOs peak at different moments and expect that the timing won't be lost from a patch (or you can resync them if that's not your goal).

Keeping a low profile, this compact LFO source promotes extensive modulation and experimentation without the sprawling confusion, getting right to the point, and handling the majority of needs. Slide the Alpha Poly LFO into your patches to create a lot of motion for a dynamic sound.

* This version is $1 for owners of the mono version

Summary of controls:

  • Black dial - LFO rate (0.001-7 Hz, 0.06-420 BPM)
  • Yellow button (left, lower 3 LFOs) - mono/poly jack toggle (must be disconnected)
  • Center blue button - sine (lit)/ triangle (unlit) toggle
  • Rightmost blue button - normal (lit) or inverted (unlit) polarity
  • Topmost vertical blue button - master LFO reset
  • Bottom sync jack - master LFO reset with trig/gate pulse
  • Lower concentric dials
    • Inner - master DC bias
    • Outer - master Attenuverter