Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$9.60 $12.00
On Sale
- AVCO is an analog oscillator with modulation capabilities.
- AVCO is sold individually and as part of Oscillator Bundle.
- Five sound sources are available: SAW, PULSE, SUB1 (1 octave lower), SUB2 (2 octaves lower) and NOISE.
- The built-in mixer allows you to mix them together using the faders and the MIX output jack.
- The PULSE has manual pulse width control, as well as PWM with a CV input and an attenuator.
- Switch for AM and RING modulation.
- An FM input is also available with an attenuator.
- The oscillator can be hard synced to another oscillator using the SYNC input.
- LED to control signal level, full light when clipping.
Hope you have fun with it!!! ;)
Title of Song
- Nrgzr78_AVCO_Demo_-2-_
- Nrgzr78_AVCO_Demo_-3-_
- Nrgzr78_AVCO_Demo_-1-_
- Nrgzr78_AVCO_Demo_-4-_