Or Get It As Part of Electric Breath Oscillator Collection
FREE $5.00
Or Get It As Part of Electric Breath Oscillator Collection
A companion device for the Input-Dependent Relay Oscillator, this unit offers 8 DC voltages, assigned by the silver dials on the left.
At the top-left, three blue macro bars can instead be used to shape the voltages, as they are interpolated to match. The silver knobs are automated into place.
The DC voltages can be assigned by sampling too, albeit with crude results. The top B5 input expects the note “B” just below C5, and when a trigger is recieved at the jack just below, sampled voltages are assigned to successive knobs. One unit will capture 1/6th of the waveform, and then output a trigger (third from the top) which can be sent to another IDRO Supplier so that it can capture the next 6th of the waveform, and so on until a full cycle is sampled.
If the lower output jacks are connected to successive inputs of the Input-Dependent Relay Oscillator, you’ll find it playing a sampled waveform.