A simple Attack, Hold, Decay, Sustain, Release envelope driving a simple VCA in a tiny module, ideal when you want to minimise the space use, for example when you want to have multiple envelopes driving the mix of signal sources from an oscillator.

The Gate Input defaults to the IO Panel Gate if no jack is connected for simpler patching. Note that this module complements the Micro Enveloper module, with a signal passing through the included VCA, as well as providing an envelope out connection.

The Voltage Controlled Amplifier section can be set to use Linear or Exponential control by the envelope, useful when using the VCA on audio sources, and has a Zero Crossing mode that removes clicks when using very fast envelope settings.

There is the ability to link the Decay time to the Release time (simplifying patches and replicating the limitation of the contour generators on the MiniMoog) plus support for normal or "Fast" Attack shapes and, as is common for all my envelopes, settings for the mid-point of the log-scale time controls (from the "options" cog-wheel button).

Also sold as part of Andrew Macaulay's Envelope and LFO Collection and included in Andrew Macaulay's Ultimate Bundle.