$3.50 $5.00

Or Get It As Part of P.moon Tool Set 3

$14.00 Add to Cart

This module offers a variable radio button set. Number N of buttons/inputs/outputs may be set from 2 to 8. It is NOT a signal switch, but it can be used to control a switch module like P.moon 1 to 8 Switch or P.moon 8 to 1 Switch.

Buttons can be activated by clicking onto it or by a trigger pulse.

Outputs #1 to #8 send a 5 volts gate signal, when active, otherwise 0 volts.

Channel labels are editable. Label of active button will be orange highlighted.

trig in: Controls button/output selection. Voltage at CV input triggers button/output activation when it's value exceeds 2.5 volts, that means only rising ramp.

button 1 to N: A click onto a button changes it's state to pushed, releases all other buttons, activates assigned output.

gate out: Sends a static 5.0 volts signal, when active.

knob ā€˜Nā€™: Determines, how many radio buttons the set will contain.

Last build: #4 from 2024-11-11

This module is also part of P.moon Tool Set 3 and P.moon Ultimate Bundle.