$14.00 $21.50
P.moon Tool Set 3 contains some helpful modules, that complement P.moon module family.
Buttons 8x contains eight mono signal switches, controlled by push buttons. Without input cable connected a switch outputs 5 volts if button is pushed.
LEDder is a simple visualizer with eight identical channels. Each LED signalizes positive and negative voltage in red and blue color. The trough outputs simplify cabeling.
Poly LEDder is the poly version of LEDder with 16 LEDs.
N-Klik is a CV controllable radio button set with three to eight buttons and 5 volts outputs. It is usable during performing in order to switch between different sound groups or rhythms.
Toggles 8x contains eight mono signal switches, controlled by toggle buttons. Without input cable connected a switch outputs 5 volts if button is toggled on.
Poly Toggles 8x contains eight poly signal switches, controlled by toggle buttons. Without input cable connected an active output can send 5 volts gate CV if G button is toggled on. A Mute button lets you deactivate all outputs simultaneously.
TrigTrap consists of eight flip flop registers that are set on by rising or falling CV voltage at a distinct threshold value. When a register in On, it's state is signalized by means of a highlighted and editable channel label and +5 volts will be sent to the output. An additional all channel will be set, when one of the other channels receives a trigger pulse. All trap registers may be reset manually or with a reset VC.
All these modules are also part of P.moon Ultimate Bundle.

Switches | P.moon

Presets | P.moon

Visualizers | P.moon

Switches | P.moon

Switches | P.moon