
Manufacturer: PoohBear

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FlipFlop counter works a bit like a clock divider, receiving a pulse (trigger) to incremental a counter and then at a set threshold will flip switches to different configurations.

Part of the PoohBears Goodie Bag Bundle.

Update (build #35-37) Added "Zero" button for input port A, designed to be used only when this port is connected with audio data, downside it will add latency to the switching, basically switching will be done when the zero point is cross and will help element clicking.

Update (build #34)
Global update (build #23)

Video Manual

To change the Threshold just click and drag up or down.

2 Constant Knobs(A and B), 2 Inputs (A and B), 2 Outputs (X and Y), 2 switch positions (Flip and Flop) that allow for many different configurations.

Both (Constant A plus the A port) and (Constant B plus B port) in Flip or Flop mode have the option of sending their input to X, or Y, or X and Y, or to block it (Off), or holds the current value

Common setup, Flip mode, A to X and B to Y, then when switched to Flop mode, A to Y and B to X, basically a crossover switch.

If nothing is set to go either X or Y you have an option of sending out 0 volts or the last know voltage (track and hold).

Forever, once switched from Flip to Flop a Reset has to be sent to restart the counting.
Square, the duration for either Flip or Flop is one whole cycle, e.g. if you have a threshold of 4, Flip is held for 4 counts, then Flop is held for 4 counts.
Flip Flop, This acts more like a clock divider, once the threshold has been reached, it’s switched to the Flop mode only until the next counter (trigger) is encountered.
After: The switch happens one count after the threshold.
On: The switch happens on the count.

"Counter loop back to:" 0 or 1 (use to be hardcoded to 1) , once the threshold has been breached the counter will return to either a 0 or 1(default).

"Reset back to Threshold\Zero", when a reset signal is received the current counter is reset back to either Zero (default) or the current threshold value.
Note the above 2 new options default to way the Flip Flop Counter was previously setup.

Flip and Flop Outs, these ports will send a signal out when the device is in the correct state, eg when in a Flip state the flop port will always be zero and one of the below signals is sent of the Flip port depending on the Volts set by the Flop\Flip knob.

Input Trigger, the input trigger can be a trigger or gate, there is a New Button called Trig(replaced the existing label), Changes the way trigger and reset inputs work, When toggled on, it works in VM trigger mode which is above 2.5v to trigger (and below 2.5 for off), when toggled off, anything above 0v to trigger (and zero or below for off). (default is toggled on).

Input Threshold, the Threshold can be changed via CV. Output Counter, the current output counter is sent out as a voltage (see below to what voltage range) Toggle button between 1v/127 and 5v/threshold (just above the Output counter port), 1v/127 (every 127 counts = 1v, this has always been default) or 5v/threshold (which effectively gives a 5v spread).

**The Flip or Flop internal out signals...
Constant, A constant X volt is sent out.
One Trig, Only one trigger is sent out when the moving from Flip to Flop or vice versa.
Per Count, A trigger is sent out per count for that state.
Input Trig, The input trigger is sent to the out, note even though it's called a input trig, this signal could be a gate or another value. If you are using a trigger as an input then Per Count and Input Trig will have the same results.

Darkmode: double click the Bear but not too hard it might make him grumpy..

Build #39:Bug fix, Visual, If the counter was already 1, a reset and simultaneous trigger in, the counter did not show the correct value (the next trigger in corrected that) but the output signal was correct. Changed the logic of when a Reset is triggered and the Threshold reset is set to Zero and counter loop is set to Zero, the output ports were effectively closed awaiting a trigger, so that meant zero as a counter output only worked on a loop, changed the logic so that a Reset with Threshold reset set to zero and counter loop of zero will open the output ports. If you need them to be closed awaiting a trigger then set the Threshold Reset to Threshold. (also see build #32)

Build #38: Added toggle switch next to the "Current" counter so the "Current" count output is either 1v/127 (which was the way it was and is still default) or 5v/threshold (which effectively gives a 5v spread).

Build #35-37: Added "Zero" button for input port A, designed to be used only when this port is connected with audio data, downside it will add latency, how much depends on the signal being passed through it (anything from a couple of samples to 10ms). Optimisation of main code.

Build #34 Added 4 Constant knobs, you can now send and switch an internal signal.
Knob A is added to Port A, Knob B is added to Port B.
The knobs on the Flip Flop out will set the voltage for the Constant, One Trig and per count, e.g. a trigger could be -4.54 volts if you want.

Build #33 Added feature, New Button called Trig(replaced the existing label), Changes the way trigger and reset inputs work, When toggled on works in VM trigger mode above 2.5v to trigger (and below 2.5 for off), when toggled off, above 0v to trigger (and zero for off). (default is toggled on).

Build #32 Bug Fix\Feature: Reset will reset all ports back to Zero. You can do a reset and use that same signal in the trigger which will advance the counter and start things off.

Build #31 Added, 2 new dedicated ports for the flip flop status,

Build #24,30 Bug fix, the threshold was being set to the wrong value from a Saved or Variations patch which had a high value and also when using a CV "in" it could get stuck and not show the correct threshold.

Build #23 Added new option "Reset back to Threshold\zero"

Build #22 added new option "Counter loop back to:" 0 or 1 (use to be hardcoded to 1)

Build #21 Darkmode added

Build#20 optimisation.

Build #18/19 Updated threshold input so when a value below 0.0078740157480315v it now defaults to 1, before it kept it's last value.

Build #17 Optimized code.

Build #16 Bug fix, when threshold is changed below the current counter when it's running in forever mode it did not flip.

Build #15 Cosmetic changes only

Build #14 Added Input port for the "Threshold", so now the threshold can be set via CV, 1v =127
Added Output port for the "Current" counter, 127 = 1v

Build #13 Public Release.