PB Hi Lo Port ++

Manufacturer: PoohBear

Contact PoohBear


Or Get It As Part of PoohBear's Treat Pot

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Overview of the PoohBear's Treat Pot bundle. https://youtu.be/Hb-621RaRR4

Technical Video https://youtu.be/hMRlwsL98dk

From several Inputs it works out which one is the highest and lowest signal.

There are Gate and CV inputs, if there is a gate connected then the associated CV port will only be evaluated when the gate is high (>2.5v) If there is no gate associated with a connected CV port then that CV port will be evaluated all the time and if selected, 5v will automatically will be outputted from the associated Gate, you can mix and match, have some connected with an associated gate and some not..

Retrig: When a Gate is connected and high, the CV signal may change ports, the Retrig will cause the Gate output to retrigger.

Hold Output: This option is only valid if the gates ports are connected, if there is no gate signal and "Hold Output" is not selected the CV signal drops to Zero, if selected the CV signal holds the last known output.

Several "Hi Low Ports" devices can be linked together to provide more ports.

Darkmode: double click the Bear but not too hard it might make him grumpy..

Personal reason behind device: I like to build generative projects from chords, being able to find the lowest note to be used a bass part is something I do a lot and this device gets me that bass note.

Build #2 Public Release