PB On Change Trigger

Manufacturer: PoohBear

Contact PoohBear


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Overview of the PoohBear's Treat Pot bundle. https://youtu.be/Hb-621RaRR4

Technical Video https://youtu.be/JkhfG0yWGaY

Detects a signal change and fires off a Trigger or Gate.

As standard the devices allows loss which means it could fire 24,000 triggers a second!!!

Gate mode.
On every Voltage (signal) change a Gate is retriggered, however if the Voltage is changing at Voltage Modulars highest speed then you would end up with effectively no gate. The Allow loss option (on as standard) detects this and drops that new signal change if a Gate has just finished to allow the Gate to return back to 5v hence stopping a forever low Gate from happening. Note if you are changing the signal rapidly you will end up with really what a Trigger is.
Off: Works only in Gate mode, sets the output to 0v until the next change comes in.

Trig mode.
On every Voltage (signal) change a Trigger is fired, however if the Voltage is changing at Voltage Modulars highest speed then you would end up with effectively a long or even a never ending Gate (high signal). The Allow loss option (on as standard) detects this and drops that new signal change if a trigger has just fired off to allow the trigger to return back to zero hence stopping a Gate from happening.

Trig Length.
Sets the length of the trigger from 1 sample to 10ms (480 samples).
Note: A length of Zero is a 1 sample trigger, above Zero the length is in milliseconds.

Ignore 0: if the signal goes to zero ignore it.
Out: Turns off the output

Note: Triggers and Gate are really the same however one thinks of a Trigger as a small spike (1 sample or less than a few milliseconds) and a Gate as a high signal over a longer period of time.

Personal reason behind device: I do a lot of Random generation stuff and I wanted a trigger to follow those changes.

Darkmode: double click the Bear but not too hard it might make him grumpy..

Build #7: Add Trigger Length from 1 sample to 480 samples (10ms)

Build #6: Public Release