Manufacturer: PoohBear

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Overview of the PoohBear's Treat Pot bundle.

Technical Video

A Poly to Mono breakout box with it's main purpose to reorder the ports that the note's are received on, the order is one of the modes below.

Random, Random port is selected, can overwrite ports that are in use.

Random with honour, Random port that is not in use is selected however once all ports are used new notes will overwrite.

Random with Full honour, Random port that is not in use is selected however once all ports are used new notes are discarded.

Round Robin, each note (including the same note play) is assigned to the next port, when it reaches the end it starts again back at the beginning, can overwrite ports in use.

Round Robin with honour, each note (including the same note play) is assigned to the next port that is not in use however once all ports are used new notes will overwrite., when it reaches the end it starts again back at the beginning.

Round Robin with Full honour, each note (including the same note play) is assigned to the next port that is not in use however once all ports are used new notes are discarded, when it reaches the end it starts again back at the beginning.

Hi Lo Spread *, spreads the notes between the highest and lowest ports, e.g. only using 8 ports, note 80=port1, 55=port8, 65=port2 etc.

Lo Hi Spread *, spreads the notes between the lowest and highest ports, e.g. only using 8 ports, note 55=port1, 80=port8, 65=port2 etc.

Note Hi Lo *, port 1 always has the highest note then you go down the ports, e.g. note 80=port1, 65=port2, 55=port3 etc.

Note Lo Hi *, port 1 always has the loweset note then you go down the ports, e.g. note 55=port1, 65=port2, 80=port3 etc.

Received Order, the order the notes are received in, always starts at port1

Voltage Modular, this is the order that voltage modular uses. (note then number of output ports set has no effect on this option)

*SideNote designed for chords.

Other options: Retrigger: In a number of the modes above your could be overwriting a port that is in use which means the Gate will be high, using this option the Gate is pulled down for a single sample.

New Gate Delay ms: This is designed for manual playing of chords, when there is no gate active, the next gate will start the timer (if set above 0) and will wait X mili seconds before outputting all the notes, this will help with the order of the notes to be correct first time, as you may not press all the keys down exactly at the same time.

Output Ports: The number ports to use.

Reset: Resets all ports (e.g. maybe you unplug a cable when it's in use, this could leave a high looking status).

Poly Voices (Display Only): The shows how many voices you have set in the Poly part of the main I/O panel.

Darkmode: double click the Bear but not too hard it might make him grumpy..

Personal reason behind device: I wanted the Lo Hi Spread option to help control different length chords (the number of keys used) coming into VM, I might play a lot of 4 note chords and I can arrange where the notes are going and with the odd 3 or 5 note chord I now have more control.

Build #3-#7 added new modes (Random with Full honour, Round Robin with Full honour, Received Order, Voltage Modular)

Build #2 Public Release