Poly Spread


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Poly Spread

Poly Spread outputs sixteen voltages of the form: Base + (ChannelNumber * Spread), where ChannelNumber ranges from 0 to 15, and Base and Spread range between -10 Volts and 10 Volts. The basic idea is to create a set of voltages that diverge linearly from a specified base value. The Pos\Neg button toggles the direction of this divergence. Coupled with the possibility of Base, Spread, and signal values of either sign, this should give your knowledge of gradeschool arithmetic a good workout.

The Base value can be offset by a supplied control voltage via the Offset jack. This voltage can be scaled between -200% and 200%, and can be conveniently toggled on and off using the CV button.

The Offset/Scale button toggles all of the "modifier" operators, including the poly input and the CV input, between functioning as offsets (added to the output), and scalings (multiplied by the output). Note that this also means that the base value is multiplied by, not added to the spread value.

As a final fillip, Poly Spread can accept a polyphonic input signal, which functions as an additional per channel offset not affected by the offset attenuverter.