Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$13.50 $15.00
On Sale
- QUAD SUBHARMONIC GENERATOR is a new sound source that derives from an incoming pulse signal four so-called subharmonics based on Doepfer's.
- It is sold individually and as part of QUAD BUNDLE.
- A subharmonic means in this context a sawtooth wave whose frequency is derived from a master frequency and the master frequency is an integer multiple in the range of 1...24 of the subharmonic.
- Sawtooth frequency can reach a minimum of 16.3515Hz (C0).
- The subharmonics are available as single outputs (fixed volume) and as mix output with adjustable levels for the subharmonics.
- Four memories available to store your divisions and levels: once you select a memory slot (A, B, C or D) you can set your values (divisions and levels) and then press STORE to allocate such values in memory.
- Preset CV In allows with a signal ranging from 0 to 5V to select the memory slots (A, B,C or D).
- Div. CV In allows with a signal ranging from -5 to 5V to change divisions.
- LOAD/SAVE features to load data into the memory slots or save the values of all the memory slots.
- RESET to reset all the values of selected memory slot or RESET ALL to reset all the values of all the memory slots at once.
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