Or Get It As Part of Super Duper Tone Tunneling Oscillator Bundle
$12.99 $24.00
Or Get It As Part of Super Duper Tone Tunneling Oscillator Bundle
A super saw/triangle/sine/square/multi wave oscillator with access to the individual voices for idiosyncratic intrigue or a polyphonic oscillator whose voices have individuality or a means to manually create imperfections which can be cycled through for emulating vintage behavior, the Super88 Oscillator stacks eight individual channels into a single module with both batch and individual tuning, tuning spread, octave, and waveform controls.
To make a super oscillator, just wire all CV inputs to your pitch CV and all of the output jacks to the same destination (or maybe a mixer). Use the lower, tiny gold thumbscrew to spread the tuning, creating a thicker sound. The higher gold thumbscrew can be used tune everything up or down (maintaining the spread) if, for instance, rather than only detuning, you’d like to have some of the oscillators run sharp. Enable the tiny button above the highest “form” switch to set the oscillator shape of all oscillators together, via the top switch. The top octave switch can likewise act as a master for all others when the button above it is pressed. This will give you some custom supersaw, supersine, supertriangle, and supersquare waves, and if you want it to be even more super, just add more copies of the module to the mix.
However, things can get even more interesting when you mix and match waveforms and octaves, and when you manually throw some of the tunings away from being evenly spread. Your “supermultis” can be quite unique, complex, and interesting. And, because of the individual outputs, they can be balanced to taste with a mixer, perhaps dialing many back for more subtle stacking.
With a device like the Poly Distributor (in goes a poly connection, out comes eight voices as individual connections), eight voices can be routed to eight separate oscillators, each with perhaps subtle tuning variations or maybe even totally different sounds that blend into a more varied polyphonic sound. The result sounds like an arrangement of layers of synthesizers harmonizing together.