
Manufacturer: Benard

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This module consists of a clock that you can use to keep track of events during a performance, and to schedule 4 different triggers at specific times. The clock can be started and paused with the button on the left side or with an external trigger, and it can be reset with the button on the right, or also with an eternal trigger.

What makes this module really powerful is that it allows you to schedule 4 events using the target boxes below the clock controls. You can set a time for each target using its respective knob, or type the precise time by double clicking on the knob and typing the number of minutes, followed by a single period and the number of seconds, with a leading zero if necessary for single digit number of seconds. When the clock hits that time, a trigger will be sent out the Tr output of that target box, and also out the Tr All output at the top right. This makes it possible to launch envelopes, sequencers, drums, or any events you want at a a given time, and can be used to start and end sections of a piece or improvisation. Furthermore, you can concatenate multiple instances of the module if you want to schedule more than 4 events, by sending the trigger of the last target to the play input of the next copy of the module. This way you can schedule any number of events for a performance, giving you a great deal of power and flexibility. You can also make events repeat cyclically by connecting the output of the last target to the reset input.

Notice that the format to type in values for the targets when double clicking on the knobs is different from what is displayed. You should type the number of minute, followed by a period, and then the number of seconds, with a leading zero if necessary. So for example, if you want to schedule an event at 9 seconds, you would type 0.09, and the displayed value will become 00:00:09. If you want to schedule an event at 30 minutes and 15 seconds, you would type 30.15, and the displayed value will become 00:30:15. And if you want to schedule something at 1 hour, 20 minutes, and 45 seconds, you would type 80.45, and the displayed value will become 01:20:45. This might seem a bit awkward at first, but once you get used to it you will find it is very simple, and convenient for most instances, as in most cases the scheduled times will be in the range of minutes and seconds, not hours.

Included in the Benard Mega Bundle Vol. 2.