Manufacturer: Nrgzr78

Contact Nrgzr78

$12.00 $15.00

On Sale
  • TTZQ-VCO is a Trapezoid Thru Zero Quadrature VCO based on Doepfer's.
  • TTZQ-VCO is sold individually and as part of QUAD BUNDLE and Oscillator Bundle.
  • The term "quadrature" means in this connection that the oscillator outputs two trapezoid waves with 90 degrees phase shift.
  • The term "Thru-Zero" means that even "negative" frequencies are generated, but this a bit a misleading term as negative frequencies do not really exist. "Negative" means in this connection simply that the TRASIN/TRACOS waves will stop when the linear control voltage reaches 0V and continue with the opposite direction as the linear control voltage becomes negative and vice versa.
  • The module has two control sections: linear and a exponential.
  • The exponential section consists of the XTune control, the 1V/Oct input and the XFM input with the corresponding attenuator XFM. The exponential control voltage is the sum of these three voltages.
  • The linear section consists of the LFrq control and the LFM input with the corresponding attenuator LFM.
  • The linear control voltage is the sum of these two voltages.
  • A dual color LED is used to display the polarity of the linear control voltage (blue = positive, red = negative).
  • The pitch of the sine/cosine outputs is determined by the control voltages of both sections.
  • Linear modulation by another oscillator using the thru zero feature generates audio spectra than cannot be obtained from an oscillator without the thru zero function.
  • The reason is that a "normal" VCO will simply stop as the linear control voltage becomes zero or negative. But a thru zero VCO will start again with "negative" frequencies as the the linear control voltage becomes negative.

Title of Song

  • TTZQ-VCO_Demo_1
  • TTZQ-VCO_Demo_2