$2.50 $3.14
The VM Recorder can record mono or stereo audio to a 16 or 24 bit integer or 32 bit floating point WAV file directly to your file system. The sample rate will be 48k, since that is Voltage Modular's internal sample rate. Please be aware that 16 or 24 bit integer files will hard clip above 0 dB, while 32 bit floating point files can be louder than 0 dB.
A recording can be started either with the "REC" button or through the "REC GATE" input. If the input is above 2.5V the recording is started. The recording stops as soon as the input at the "REC GATE" falls below 2.5V. This is very useful for automated recording or when using play/stop buttons. The display on the "REC" button shows the recording duration in seconds.
Using the "FILE SELECT" button you can choose a location and a file name for the recorded audio file. If you add a "%"-sign to the file name VM Recorder will replace that with the value of a counter that is counted up every time you finish a recording. The counter can be reset using the "COUNTER RESET" button. The number above that button is the one that will replace the "%"-sign. If you haven't specified a file to record to, it defaults to vmrecorder_yyyyMMdd_hhmmss.wav in your home directory, where yyyyMMdd_hhmmss represents the date and time the recording was first started. Please be aware that the selected file will be overwritten without warning, just like a real cassette tape recorder would. For convenience a little red LED in the top left corner indicates the recording status.
If you have any module specific questions, please visit the Monkey Business Audio forum. For questions about Voltage Modular in general, please visit the Cherry Audio forum. If you don't want to ask your question in the forum you can send me a pm or an email.
Nov 9, 20
More recorders? Yes please
Having additional recorders sitting along my rigs and patches is something I cherish more than most; the only downside with this one is the cumbersome 'renaming' issue that slows down productivity ever so slightly, but otherwise this is an extremely useful 'tape recorder' to add multiple times to your patch for easy exporting and resampling. I still love what it offers!