Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$10.99 $12.99
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- Nrgzr78_STEREO-MIXER-5_BUNDLE includes STEREO-MIXER-5 and its extension SM5-EXT. and is part of Mixer Bundle.
- Nrgzr78_STEREO-MIXER-5 is a mixer with five channels, two bus stereo.
- Every input channel provides GAIN (lower) and LEVEL (upper), AUX A (upper) and B (lower), and PAN control knobs.
- Each channel has its own MUTE switch for master and aux.
- All of the gain stages provides maximum 12 dB.
- Master section provides VOLUME for LEFT and RIGHT output channels (with LINK toggle button enabled you can move those control knobs together), A and B AUX SENDS (upper) and RETURN (lower) control knobs. PAN and MUTE switches related to RETURN A and B.
- Every channel provides LED to indicate signal level after gain stage.
- EDITABLE TEXT available below each channel.
- SM5-EXT plug at the top left allows you to attach the SM5-EXT module to take control of AUX A and B, and PAN control knobs if needed.
P.S.: In order to use properly SM5-EXT you need to have enabled 16 number of voices (poly sources at the top of Voltage Modular panel) Hope you have fun with it!!! ;)

Controller | Nrgzr78

Mixers | Nrgzr78
Title of Song
- Voltage Modular Recording 045