Manufacturer: R_Ware
$8.00 $10.00
R_Ware presents RAWX UTILITIES
"With great utility comes great fexibility." This is what my uncle said shortly before he died due to an electro shock caused by a short circuit in his eurorack.
Anyway - Here is the RAWX UTILITIES BUNDLE for you! Incuding all of the RAWX MIX MONO and STEREO modules!
Have you ever thought while patching in VM: Oh I wish I didn't have to load sooo many attenuverters in my patches. I can never have too many attenuverters. Every cable should have an attenuverter. Well, at least now we have the RAWX UTILITIES BUNDLE. This collection of modules is geared towards easier patching of parallel signal flows. These Modules cover all the basic mixing, multiple and attenuverter needs you can have while saving you some clicks, cables and screenspace.

Utility | R_Ware

Utility | R_Ware

Utility | R_Ware

Utility | R_Ware

Utility | R_Ware

Utility | R_Ware