$19.99 $30.00
The 8-Voice Variable Window Poly Sampler is like a Decepticon — a simple machine on the surface that tranforms into a whole thing...
This sampler works in poly or mono, looped or 1-shot, trimmed if you like. Fade & offset allow a duo of units to seemlessly crossfade samples for endless sustain or sonic morphing. In mono mode, you can set note ranges (min, max) to assign different samples to different keys using multiple 8VVWs. A spread control lets you make the sample version of a supersaw and a sub switch produces the sample version of a sub oscillator. You can even modulate start times, end points, the whole sample window, and tuning for vibrato and warble alike. The device can be used alone, but it's also built to be used in cooperating groups to achieve the effects of complex samplers assembled modularly, giving you the potential to build a really good sampling machine or a really odd one too.
Deep possibilities are offered by the nuanced setups, unique controls, and modulation options, offering a quick solution for turning samples into melodies, for placing drum sounds across keys, for assigning different samples to different key ranges, for using single cycle waves as oscillators, and all the usual sampler stuff, as well as a modular platform for deep dives into sample layering, keymapping, round-robins, velocity switching, crossfade looping, logic-control, randomizing, and other such adventures.
Pick up the 116A as a good, free polyphonic amplifier for the 8VVW. The T-IEG poly/mono envelope generator makes a good partner too.
Here, you can see the polyphonic and monophonic modes, and spread & sub on the latter:
You can map samples to particular keys: