A utility to change the gate length from a gate or trigger. The length can be manually set in milliseconds, controlled by CV or set as a divider or multiplier of the host (DAW) or external (gated) BPM. The module supports the seting of the mid-point of the log-scale speed dial (from the "options" cog-wheel button) and a re-trigger option.
NEW the module now supports both monophonic and polyphonic signal paths (at the same time, mono-to-mono and poly-to-poly) and has options to set the CV input to time-based controls (1V=10ms, 1V=100ms, 1V=1sec) as well as the original 5V=12secs (i.e. 100% of the time knob).
Also sold as part of Andrew Macaulay's Gate and Trigger Collection and included in Andrew Macaulay's Ultimate Bundle.