Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$8.00 $10.00
On Sale
- LFOSC is a compact low frequency oscillator module with modulation capabilities.
- LFOSC is sold individually or as part of Techno Bundle and Oscillator Bundle.
- Five waveforms (SINE, TRIANGLE, RAMP,SAWTOOTH, PULSE) plus RANDOM values generator.
- Red button to start and stop the oscillator and related CV input (<=0V Disable; >0V Enable).
- RESET and RELEASE switch to decide the LFO behavior once you start or stop it.
- RANGE and RATE control knobs to modify range and frequency with related CV inputs (-5/5V).
- Two LEDs at the bottom to visualize signal intensity when positive or negative.
- OFFSET switch to make the oscillator going from 0 to 5V or from 0 to -5V and related CV input (-5/5V).
- SYNC to synchronize the oscillator wave with an external one.
Title of Song
- Nrgzr78_LFOSC_Demo