PB Project Runtime

Or Get It As Part of PoohBear's Treat Pot

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Overview of the PoohBear's Treat Pot bundle. https://youtu.be/Hb-621RaRR4

Technical video https://youtu.be/7lmJP3duVcg

Tracks how long you have been working on a project overall, just for the current session and actual running (playback) of the project.

There are also basic Stop and Play buttons with associated output ports.

Top left: Stop, Trigger
Top Right: Start, Trigger
Bottom Right, Start, High signal when running.
Bottom Left, Start/Stop, Triggers (trigger is fired when starting and another one is fired when stopped).

When the Module is highlighted your "Spacebar" will control the Play and Stop buttons.

Darkmode: double click the Bear but not too hard it might make him grumpy..

Personal reason behind device: I just like tracking stats which also includes in this case, time.

Build#16 Added Spacebar control.

Build#15 Public Release