$39.99 $63.00

DMT Audio's Year One Bundle celebrates the first year of DMT Audio modules on Voltage Modular with all the modules from the first year available together!

Featuring 14 modules from the Genesis and Sequencer bundles, plus a few extras. Sequencers (lots of sequencers), signal processors and even a vintage Tape-Delay!

Gemini - Dual Euclidean Sequencer

Compass - Cartesian Sequencer

Pachinko - Esoteric Branching Sequencer

Markov Sequencer - Markov-Chain based Sequencer

Familiar - Probability Sequencer

4-Step - Sequencer

4-Rest - Periodic Sequencer

Apollo - Probability + Logic-based Trigger Generator

Mimic - Vintage Tape Delay

Bernoulli - Probability Based Splitter

Boolean - Logic Module

Clock Multiplier

Quad Attenuverter

