Manufacturer: Monkey Business Audio
$24.95 $40.00
Get the Tempo Clock, CV Sequencer, Gate Sequencer and Glide Sequencer with this bundle and save over 37% compared to the sum of the individual prices.
The Tempo Clock generates a rectangular signal between 0 and 5V to control sequencers and other time dependent modules.The start, stop amd reset outputs can be used to control the playback. The tempo knob sets the tempo in BPM while the note knob controls the clock division, i.e. 1/4th, 1/8th, 1/16th, 1/32nd and 1/64th. With the swing knob you can add swing in both directions, i.e. a swing above 50% will prolong the first pulse and shorten the second and a swing below 50% will shorten the first pulse and prolong the second. The dur output outputs the duration of a clock cycle as pitch CV, following the 1V/octave rule, where a 1/16th note at 120 BPM equals about -3.03135971V.
With the CV Sequencer, CV values for each step can be set in percent, while the actual output voltage is determined by the range and offset. The number of steps is controlled by the up and down buttons in the upper right and a step is triggered when a value of 2.5V or more is received via the trg input. When the signal at the reset input is high (2.5V or higher) the step counter is reset to 1 and the sequence starts again.
The 16-step Gate Sequencer lets you control the gate length in terms of percent of a clock cycle length. The cycle length is fed into the module via the "DUR" input jack and is interpreted like a pitch CV for an oscillator, following the 1V/octave rule. If no cable is connected to this input, the value defaults to the length of a 1/16th note at 120 bpm, which is equal to about -3.03135971V. The duration can be set manually, although it is designed to be used with the Tempo Clock module's "DUR" output. The gate length of each step is set with one of the 16 knobs and a red LED below the knob indicates the active step. The number of steps can be set with the up and down knobs next to the number display in the top right. A high value (greater or equal to 2.5V) at the "TRG IN" input tells the module to advance to the next step, while a high value at the "RESET" input resets all internal clocks and counters and restarts the sequence at step 1.
The Glide Sequencer lets you set a different glide value for every new note. Each time a different value is detected at the CV in jack, the sequencer will move one step forward. The glide time per step is set in percent of the duration that is detected at the "DUR" input. It is interpreted like a pitch CV for an oscillator and follows the 1V/octave rule. If it is not connected the value defaults to the length of a 1/16th note at 120 BPM, which is equal to about -3.03135971V.. With the "CENTS" knob you can set a fixed glide time in cents per duration up to two octaves. The step counter will return to the first step, if a high value (greater than 2.5V) is detected at the "RESET" input. The number of steps the sequencer goes through can be set with the up and down buttons in the upper right.
If you have any module specific questions, please visit the Monkey Business Audio forum. For questions about Voltage Modular in general, please visit the Cherry Audio forum. If you don't want to ask your question in the forum you can send me a pm or an email.

Sequencers | Monkey Business Audio

Sequencers | Monkey Business Audio

Sequencers | Monkey Business Audio

Source | Monkey Business Audio