Manufacturer: Weevil
$90.00 $135.00
All Weevil modules released between September 2020 and November 2021. For details, please see the descriptions of the included modules. If you have questions or suggestions how the modules can be enhanced, contact me on the forum or send me an email ("Contact Manufacturer" above).
- Byte Oscillator - programmable oscillator, byte beats combined with wavetables and samples
- Phase Distortion Oscillator - dual phase distortion and LFO, supports two levels of phase distortion per module and cross modulation between the two oscillators
- Stereo Crusher - stereo (or dual) bit-crusher, sample rate reducer and filter
- Mono Midi - mono midi input for up to 16 channels, supports duophonic patches with configurable note priority
- Poly Midi - poly midi input for up to 4 channels, supports polyphonic aftertouch
- CV Midi - midi in for up to 32 CV sources
- Compare - window comparator, rhythm generator, wave shaper
- Harmony - quantizer and chord sequencer
- Lissajous - lissajous oscilloscope
Tutorials preset packs
- Byte Oscillator Tutorial
- Harmony Oscillator Tutorial
- Stereo Crusher Tutorial
- Compare Tutorial
Youtube sample patches
- (Harmony)
- (Stereo Crusher)
- (Byte Oscillator)
- (Byte Oscillator)
- (Compare)

Byte Oscillator
Oscillators | Weevil
Byte Oscillator Tutorial
Presets | Weevil
Compare Tutorial
Presets | Weevil
Harmony Tutorial
Presets | Weevil

Phase Distortion Oscillator
Oscillators | Weevil

Stereo Crusher
Processor | Weevil
Stereo Crusher Tutorial
Presets | Weevil