$50.00 $103.00

Everything released by Vulpus Labs in the first year of development:


  • Torment Nexus - ring modulation and related noisemaking
  • Cumulonimbus - granular delay
  • Scapegrace - texture generating randomised delay
  • Catkins & Catkins Stereo - multi-tap delay
  • Crosstalk - introduces noise and cross-talk between polyphonic channels
  • Spree - polyphonic chorus with built-in parameter drift
  • Switcheroo - rhythmic switching between four input signals

CV generators and processors

  • Distributor - Galton box for trigger randomisation
  • Curvature - voltage-to-voltage processor with CV-controllable curve points
  • Segments - emits a linear CV segment when triggered
  • Swirl & Swirl Mini - polyphonic random CV generation based on polar co-ordinates
  • Rapscallion - emits the CV signals needed to make Catkins & Catkins stereo play reversed or re-pitched delay segments
  • Ranges - utility for scaling and offsetting CV signals
  • Ratios - utility for applying mathematical ratios to CV signals in both linear and exponential modes

Oscillators and instruments

  • Curvaceous - oscillator using Curvature's curve shaping controls
  • Chebz - harmonic oscillator
  • Chebysynth - polyphonic MIDI synth based on Chebz