Manufacturer: planet.6
$25.00 $47.50
The system.6 bundle offers the first 9 system.6 modules. System.6 is a complete modular synthesizer.
- Razor and Tristar (oscillators)
- Tremble and Twitch (lfo's)
- Random (sample & hold/trigger & gates)
- Filther (12/24 dB lpf/bpf),
- Elevations (envelope generator)
- Levels (amplifier/mixer/threshold)
- Mutations (waveshaper/mixer)

sys.6 | elevations
Envelope generators | planet.6

sys.6 | filther
Filters | planet.6

sys.6 | levels
Utility | planet.6

sys.6 | mutations
Processor | planet.6

sys.6 | random
Utility | planet.6

sys.6 | razor
Oscillators | planet.6

sys.6 | tremble
Oscillators | planet.6

sys.6 | tristar
Oscillators | planet.6

sys.6 | twitch
Oscillators | planet.6